Econoline Signs was founded by two brothers in 1963. Richard and Bill Bourns started the business with a little money and high hopes for the future. In those days there were no computers or software to do the work-only individual skill and talent. Sign painting was an art and not just anyone could make signs. Richard started in the trade at 13 years old (1958) and had received his training from journeymen at Santa Rosa Neon Lite Co. in Santa Rosa, becoming a journeyman Sign Painter at 17 years of age. Bill was a custom car painter and pin striping expert.
The company first occupied a retail space on Sebastopol Road across from the Exchange Bank for two years. By then Richard had married Margaret and they purchased a commercial property on Cleveland Avenue and built a shop in the back of the property. The business expanded at a fast pace with 15 employees and by 1977 it was Incorporated and a much larger building was built on the property.
By 1980 Econoline Signs had grown out of the expanded space and acquired property in the Santa Rosa Business Park to build a 14,000 s.f. building. Econoline Signs, Inc. occupied that building for another 6 years until they built another facility at the Empire Industrial Park in North Santa Rosa. By then the business was becoming computerized and steadily gained production from electronic machines and printers.
Today the art of making signs is done with the skill of an experienced craftsmen using highly developed software and machines to produce quality signs and graphics. Econoline Signs is a family owned business with the second generation starting to take over and a third generation on the way and Dick is still at work everyday providing knowledge and experience as only a true craftsman can!